1820mm (H) x 850mm (W) x 2mm (D)
"Rubado’s intricate wall-based work House Spirit evokes a sense of memory. Beginning with a curtain found in her new home, Rubado unwove the curtain line by line, keeping each strand carefully numbered in the order it was removed, leaving only the top hem to keep the vertical lines in place. The work was then re-woven. The name of the work is an homage to the previous owner and to the ghosting of the pattern in the work as it moves from the intact hem to the bottom."
Karen Rubado deploys her loom to do, to undo, and to make-do, both materially and to trouble and loosen our attachments to and associations with things. A strong element that runs throughout her works is that they are unresolved, and by being situated between being done and undone, woven and unwoven there is a sense that we are part of a fleeting moment in the fabric of time.
- Text by Julia Teale