Chora Carleton

Split Vision )


Gouache, Watercolour and Pastell on Aquarelle Watercolour Paper

205mm (H) x 205mm (W) x 32mm (D)


These drawings are in parings, which dependant on first encounter observationally determines the ‘original’ and ‘duplicate’. The confusion and questioning that bubbles up in the viewers experience is suggestive of a state of déjà vu or mental panic induced by challenging sensory environments.

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About the Artist

Chora Carleton

My practice centres on sensory perception connected to spatial arts theories of atmosphere, phenomenology, and durational experience informed by Deleuze’s philosophy on affect. I often use colour and material to highlight the nuances of duration and bodily experience found in the everyday or normative sites. Recent works have taken on new materiality and scale with the inclusion of pastels into my primary watercolour practice. My current explorations combine the two mediums to create a visual miasma of colour, which uses the layering and smudging of the pastel media to employ a transparency. These aesthetic mimics the densities of how we perceive moments in mindfulness while the watercolour develops structure and line as planes of encounter with surface and object. These visual languages attempt to tease out the strands of familiar experience that are often hidden from us in the cacophony of the mundane.

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